Nov 9, 2020
Can you be powerful and feminine at the same time? In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush and her guest, Cherie Burton, talk about feminine leadership and finding wholeness within yourself.
“There were seasons that I was drowning in motherhood and knew I needed something different.” — Cherie Burton
“Things of the earth are what ultimately help us heal.” — Cherie Burton
“If you look at Mother Nature, there’s volcanoes and earthquakes and hurricanes and tsunamis…. She’s pretty badass.” — Cherie Burton
“That’s part of radical self compassion: not tolerating injustices.” — Cherie Burton
“We are experiencing collectively, as women, anger and hurt for being maligned for millennia.” — Cherie Burton
“The number-one thing is the cheapest most effective, safest and most broadly acceptable thing—and that is your breath.” — Cherie Burton
“I’m all about simplicity. A confused mind doesn’t act.” — Cherie Burton
Show Notes:
Marriage... Family... Career… Why is it that so often we can “have it all” and still feel empty, anxious and depressed? Could it be that we are looking in the wrong direction for fulfillment? In this week’s episode of the Woman Worriers podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist and founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., welcomes Cherie Burton, whose credentials include author, holistic psychologist, emotional release facilitator, leader of feminine empowerment programs and host of the Women Seeking Wholeness podcast. They talk about feminine leadership—its challenges, its power and its potential to change the world—and how holistic healing can help us manage our anxiety and depression, balance our strength and stay centered.
Listen and learn:
> Cherie Burton’s website
> Cherie Burton: Women Seeking Wholeness on Facebook
> Cherie Burton on Instagram
> Women Seeking Wholeness podcast
> Sign up for Elizabeth’s newsletter